Monday, April 11, 2011

Bedtime again

It snuck up on me - dinner with a friend ran long (did I really expect anything else?), and I didn't even think about this until somewhere on K10 as 10pm approached. But, the first thing I found on the Poetry Foundation seems to fit well with much of the conversation had between two young teachers at dinner.

Easier said than done, Lizzie, but I'll keep giving it my best shot.

On Education
By Elizabeth Bentley 1767–1839

December 1789
When infant Reason first exerts her sway,
And new-formed thoughts their earliest charms display;
Then let the growing race employ your care
Then guard their opening minds from Folly’s snare;
Correct the rising passions of their youth,
Teach them each serious, each important truth;
Plant heavenly virtue in the tender breast,
Destroy each vice that might its growth molest;
Point out betimes the course they should pursue;
Then with redoubled pleasure shall you view
Their reason strengthen as their years increase,
Their virtue ripen and their follies cease;
Like corn sown early in the fertile soil,
The richest harvest shall repay your toil.

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