Sunday, April 18, 2010

Procrastination Psychoanalyzation

Today is a whiny day, so I won't be writing an extensive post - I don't want this to become a place for me to come and vent/rant/rage, but that's all I feel capable of today thanks to...


For all of you who are already licensed teachers or are not teachers at all (which is pretty much the entire readership of this blog), be thankful today that the KPTP is not a part of your life, holding you hostage when you'd rather be out aimlessly driving around singing showtunes too loudly with the windows down.


To close, and to bring it back to stuff I've written, here is a haiku I wrote during a three-hour training dedicated to having a handbook read aloud to a room full of college graduates (people who we hope can read, especially since they'll be teaching your children how to read).

So much bullshit, it astounds.
Flaming hoops to jump.

January 13, 2010


After playing cat and mouse with this wily beast of a document all day, I think I've head-shrinked myself into figuring out why I really can't make myself finish it.

Finishing the KPTP means finishing my internship.

When I left on the last day of student teaching in the fall, I cried for the whole 40-minute drive home. That ended up being ridiculous because I was back just a couple of weeks later to substitute, and now I'll be back there with a classroom of my own... but this time, I know none of those options are possible. It really will be the end of something special. Hopefully, through the inevitable tears, I'll keep sight of all the inspiration I've gathered from these people and this place. I think in the end, more will be gained than lost... but that's easy to say with two weeks left.


  1. Being physically absent from this space does not mean you are in any way absent from what happens here. The wonderful world of the internets will connect you to us, and us to you. You don't get off the hook that easily: we're watching, rooting, and cheering for you.

  2. Friend, you finished interning long ago. You are a teacher. Go forth. Convert and be converted.
